Establish A Renoviction Bylaw

Establish A Renoviction Bylaw

Renovictions have become a major tool of displacement in Kitchener with marginalized and vulnerable tenants being at the highest risk as often they have lived in their units longest, have the fewest resources to fight at the LTB, and have the lowest incomes. Without a municipal bylaw ensuring place-based protections for tenants before renovictions get to the Landlord Tenant Board, landlords will continue to abuse gaps in tenant protections to enrich themselves at the cost of our most vulnerable neighbours. We are calling on Kitchener City Council to adopt a Renoviction Bylaw which would strictly regulate and prohibit the practice and help maintain what little affordable housing we have. A renoviction bylaw would require that landlords prove the work they are requesting is necessary before getting permits, it would require them to create a tenant accommodation plan to ensure tenants have a suitable unit while the work is being done, and it would allow for strict penalties, fines and sanctions when landlords are found to be in contravention of the bylaw. By signing this petition you are joining us in calling on Kitchener city council to act now to stop the rising surge of renovictions across our community. (By signing this petition you agree to share your email with the social development center and receive communications)

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